1st Drop | 100 NFTs
Airdrop 35 NFTs to existing collectors.
2nd Drop | 100 NFTs
3rd Drop | 100 NFTs
4th Drop | 90 NFTs
Social Creatives
Live as your Neon Borg in the Metaverse with the first step of claiming - A Custom Twitter Banner
Pilot Comic Book // Community Comic
We're story-nerds at heart. We believe stories are meant to be heard and that's what we want to empower you with.
→ We'll set a IP-Bible for the first Neon Borg comic
→ Weekly contribution from the community towards the comic story
→ Discord votes, Every possible story direction from the community will be voted upon and the best ones will be adopted within the comic with certain tweaks to fit the narrative.
→ Upon 100% sale we'll draft the comic into an actual graphic novel/ comic book which will be airdropped to the Neon Borg hodlers & Physical shipped
→ With every experimentation the animal trials lead to cruelty and loss of life. Which is why we're committed to supporting the initiatives tackling animal cruelty.
→ We'll be donating 11% of the primary sales to different smaller groups who make an impact towards this cause on a ground-level.
Borg Physical Art giveaways
→ We will be running active giveaway (3-5) where 5 different artist will be brought in to create their rendition of a borg in their art-style.
Live as your Borg
→ We're committed to explore the opportunity of walking and living as your Neon borg within the metaverse. Upon successful launch, we'll start looking for the right talent with 3d expertise to help us bring the Neon Borgs into the metaverse.
→ But until then, you can share and quite literally speak as your Borg on the BRGNET. By sharing how your borg is feeling today. Like a social network of borgs to share their feelings.